HOME - Carrow Brown | Faye Black

Hello Friends, Carrow Brown here...

Urban Fantasy and Romance/Erotica Author

At the intersection of witty heroines grappling demons in urban fantasy, and brazen seductresses taming desires in romance erotica you can find Carrow Brown- eating a taco. 

Welcome to that intersection- the home of Carrow's two nom de plume - Carrow Brown (Urban Fantasy) and Faye Black (Romance & Erotica).

Urban Fantasy

Romance & Erotica

You can read all things Black and Brown here, as well as learn about new endeavors from this Author and Creator. Purchase links, a blog for aspiring writers of fiction and a highlight reel of all things Carrow - all here for you!

Contact Carrow at browncarrowatgmaildotcom

About Carrow Brown

Author. Creator. Taco Lover.

Carrow Brown grew up in a military family and traveled the world absorbing everything she could (including whatever bad words she could find!) Carrow’s passion has always been to write stories to share with others that both entertain and provoke thought. Carrow resides in sunny Arizona with her husband and German shepherds. In the little free time she has between writing The Ghost Walker Chronicles and her clinical psychology graduate work, Carrow can often be found sketching her characters into life and hiking in the wilderness with her husband and dogs.

She is easily bribed with tacos and the answer is always “yes” if you offer to show her pictures of your dogs.

Carrow's Classroom on Substack

Carrow has devoted the better part of her adult life learning the writing craft, and has started a ‘Carrow’s Classroom’ writing blog on Substack to share her insights, experience, and explore the finer points of writing fiction.

Explore tropes, plotting and planning,  writing tools, traditional vs self publishing and more....

Carrow Brown on Youtube

Delve into Carrow’s passions of writing, productivity, reading, spreadsheets, tarot, and more on her YouTube Channel where you can also catch her weekly productivity streams.

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Hone your writing craft in

Carrow's Classroom

Helping aspiring authors improve their craft and understanding of publishing one week at a time.

Plus she shares her own progress and exciting updates, nauturally.