Carrow's Tarot by Carrow Brown book cover

Carrow's Tarot

By Carrow Brown

Carrow Brown guides you through the daunting task of understanding the various interpretations of the tarot cards and how to use the many spreads available. In addition to the wealth of knowledge on tarot provided in “Carrow’s Tarot”, Carrow will also teach you about the proper care for your tarot deck, as well as yourself and your potential tarot clients. When utilizing the information from “Carrow’s Tarot”, coupled with your intuition, you’ll soon feel comfortable not only doing readings for yourself, but for many others as well.

Whether you’re a new tarot reader, or searching for a new companion book, “Carrow’s Tarot” is a comprehensive look at tarot cards, their meanings, and what they symbolize as people and situations. While strengthening your intuitive nature, and connecting with divine guidance, you will see that overcoming hurdles and making important decisions will be a breeze.

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Immerse your ears in the echoes of Carrow’s Tarot with a complete (as much as possible anyways) list of the tracks Carrow associates with each of the cards.

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