
Author Coaching Program

A 13-week program to workshop your current manuscript; available in three tiers.


Developmental review and edit of story and characters in your manuscript.

Ghostwriting Services

Crafting original stories for novels and comics in fantasy/romance/horror genres.

Carrow Coaching!

Carrow Brown has worked for several publishers, and she shares her experience and knowledge whenever she can! She shares her syntax-ical knowledge on

Lecture: Romancing The Novel [Ft. Carrow Brown]

In this lecture, you will learn the fundamentals of the Romance Plot in Storytelling.

Carrow and her Keyboard

Over the years Carrow has experimented with a variety of tools to help with her writing, and she often creates reviews to help other authors scope out the next best tools for themselves!

Novel Writing Software: Wavemaker
Campfire Review
Dabble Writing Software

Carrow and the Presses: Marketing for Self-Published Authors

Carrow's Classroom on Substack

Carrow has devoted the better part of her adult life learning the writing craft, and has started a ‘Carrow’s Classroom’ writing blog on Substack to share her insights, experience, and explore the finer points of writing fiction. You can access the catalog of Carrow’s previous posts on her Substack feed.

Explore tropes, plotting and planning,  writing tools, traditional vs self publishing and more....

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